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-April 23, 2010

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-April 19, 2010

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-April 17, 2010

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-April 14, 2010

Panasonic Cameras 

-April 12, 2010

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When your supplemental succeeds, you on too. You aren’t in contention with each other to ... 

-October 03, 2019

In some ways, splitting from with a co-conspirator you logical with but aren’t married to ... 

-October 03, 2019

When your share in succeeds, you follow to too. You aren’t in make an analogy ... 

-October 02, 2019

In some ways, splitting from with a doodad you accepted with but aren’t married to ... 

-October 02, 2019

When your party succeeds, you succeed to too. You aren’t in controversy with each other ... 

-October 02, 2019


april 2010

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august 2009


General (13)

Dumping (1)

Disassembling (5)

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Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Just looked on NX10 firmware and it looks that it also have special DEVELOPER MENU.
One of the most useful functions is ability to disable movie recording limit and allow to work with any lenses without costly chipped adapter.
May be it'll be possible to make it output RAW data during recording via HDMI, or at least bump H.264 bitrate even higher.
Some information:
1) Looks like CPU is FR based, so tools from our site could be useful.
2) Lots of information about source files reside inside binary image.

General  comments (0)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


In Debug page I published some info about SYSPARAM.TXT file.
I belive that most interesting is to play with noise reduction setting.
Do not use other commands without STORE prefix, as it is quite dangerous.

General  comments (5)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Here is some illustration of progress
1) Primer of offset table usage to call functions. This is very interesting part, as it allows to dump vram.

2) Second part shows part of shooting speed related procedure, here you can find how big structure is used. I believe that at 0x68 we have mode wheel position.

Disassembling  comments (5)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Debug mode can be succesfully enabled on Samsung GX-1S with firmware 1.02.
Unfortunately, there is no debug menu like on newer cameras.
The same procedure will probably work on all *ist and GX1 cameras.

Only the MODSET and AUTORUN extensions may differ.


1. Format SD card in camera (I tested 16MB and 128MB)
2. Create file MODSET.TXT in root of SD with desired testmode (only one option at time)
3. Insert SD card in camera - DON'T CLOSE SD CARD DOORS!

4. Turn On camera and wait few seconds


modset filename: MODSET.TXT

scripting filename: AUTORUN.375


Works only in [DEBUG_MODE DIS]:











Enable/disable scripting




Enable/disable camera operation with SD card doors opened - usefull for testing:


Enable/disable debug mode





Works only in [DEBUG_MODE EN]:

[DEBUG_DSC_DISP_OSTIME_INFO] - displays internal camera clock. [DEBUG_DSC_DISP_DSP_STATE_INFO] - dsp info, you should take a picture. [DEBUG_DSC_DISP_VENDOR_INFO] - same as DSP_STATE_INFO?



[DEBUG_DSC_DISP_BVD_INFO] - some hex-values - probably exposition. [DEBUG_DSC_DISP_LVDDASH_INFO] - some numbers like DSP_STATE_INFO .[DEBUG_DSC_DISP_LV_INFO] - looks like DISP_BVD_INFO, but different numbers .[DEBUG_DSC_DISP_STROBE_INFO] - info about flash state [DEBUG_DSC_DISP_LENS_INFO] - same as DSP_STATE_INFO?

[DEBUG_DSC_DISP_CPU_STATE_INFO] - displays mode state, af state, exposure state, temperature and sw at bottom means pressed button code.

General  comments (0)

Monday, August 17, 2009


Below is link where you can get improved FR processor module to work with IDA 4.9 Free.
1. This is first public release.
2. Fixed errors with processing cfg file.
3. New cfg files to make automatic parsing of all interrupts in TBR.
4. Includes FR assembler auto-comments file.

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